Gran spicco clouds

Gran spicco clouds

Extimated time

15 minutes

Quantity for

6 serve

  • Gran spicco Zanetti160 g
  • Lettuce, rocket, cherry tomatoes6
  • S. Daniele ham200 g

Cut some square-shaped strips of greaseproof paper around 25 cm long and in the middle of each one place a generous spoonful of grated Gran Spicco.
Using a spoon, draw out a circle of cheese and put the sheets in the microwave until it starts to melt. When the wafer is still hot and soft, lift a disc of cheese with the greaseproof paper and put in a small bowl, pressing it to the bottom.
When it cools, remove the “cloud-shaped” basket from the small pot and stuff it with lettuce, rocket, cherry tomatoes and cured ham.

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