
Tutto Food 2025
Tutto Food 2025

Zanetti protagonist at Tutto Food 2015, excellence among food exhibitions

For the second time, Zanetti has organised a real exhibition and meeting with the industry and consumers, we look forward to seeing you at the TuttoFood 2025 world event

GulFood 2025
GulFood 2025

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships.

Sial 2024
Sial 2024

Zanetti will take part in the 2024 SIAL Food Exhibition in Paris

From 19 to 23 October 2024, the Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France welcomes the world major agri-food event: SIAL Paris with more than 6,300 exhibitors and 150,000 high profile visitors, including the TOP French and international decision-makers... all this will be the Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Retail and trade, food industries, foodservice, buyers from all around the globe will visit SIAL to find new food products and/or new suppliers.
Zanetti won’t miss the appointment and will welcome all its long-date and current partners to its highly appealing booth (HALL 7 – C 174): the perfect-place where to settle new business partnerships as well!

Cibus 2024
Cibus 2024

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition. 

GulFood 2024
GulFood 2024

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships.

Anuga 2023
Anuga 2023

Zanetti also participates for the year 2023 at the Cologne Trade Fair, 10 TRADE SHOWS IN ONE theme protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

From 7 to 11 October 2023
Zanetti has not missed the appointment and he welcomes all of its current and long-time partner in a stand with strong appeal (Hall 10.1 stand G071-H070), a pleasant meeting point where we can also establish new partnerships.

PLMA 2023
PLMA 2023

For more than thirty five years, PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show has brought retailers together with manufacturers to help them find new products, make new contacts, and discover new ideas that will help their private label programmes succeed and grow.

Cibus Connect 2023
Cibus Connect 2023

Zanetti confirms its presence at this exhibition as Cibus has always been synonymous with the enhancement of food products.

Cibus Connect is waiting for you at the Parma fairgrounds to offer you the unique opportunity to meet top national and international buyers, enhance your products with turnkey exhibition modules and customized cooking shows and participate in workshops and large plenary events aimed at exploring issues related to the internationalization of Italian food.

Gulfood 2023
Gulfood 2023

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships.

Sial 2022
Sial 2022

Zanetti will take part in the 2022 SIAL Food Exhibition in Paris

From 15 to 19 October 2022, the Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France welcomes the world major agri-food event: SIAL Paris with more than 6,300 exhibitors and 150,000 high profile visitors, including the TOP French and international decision-makers... all this will be the Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Retail and trade, food industries, foodservice, buyers from all around the globe will visit SIAL to find new food products and/or new suppliers.
Zanetti won’t miss the appointment and will welcome all its long-date and current partners to its highly appealing booth (HALL 7 – C 174): the perfect-place where to settle new business partnerships as well!

PLMA 2022
PLMA 2022

For more than thirty five years, PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show has brought retailers together with manufacturers to help them find new products, make new contacts, and discover new ideas that will help their private label programmes succeed and grow.

Cibus 2022
Cibus 2022

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition. 

Gulfood 2022
Gulfood 2022

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships.

PLMA 2021
PLMA 2021


For more than thirty five years, PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show has brought retailers together with manufacturers to help them find new products, make new contacts, and discover new ideas that will help their private label programmes succeed and grow.

PLMA’s 2021 “World of Private Label” International Trade Show will be held at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 14-15 December. Products on display will include fresh, frozen and refrigerated foods, dry grocery, and beverages as well as non-food categories, including cosmetics, health and beauty, etc.

See you there!

Anuga 2021
Anuga 2021

Zanetti also participates for the year 2021 at the Cologne Trade Fair, 10 TRADE SHOWS IN ONE theme protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

From 9 to 13 October 2021
Zanetti has not missed the appointment and he welcomes all of its current and long-time partner in a stand with strong appeal (Hall 10.1 stand G071-H070), a pleasant meeting point where we can also establish new partnerships.

Cibus 2021
Cibus 2021

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition. 

Gulfood 2021
Gulfood 2021

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Dal 21 al 25 febbraio 2021
Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships. HALL1-4 B1-36

Gulfood 2020
Gulfood 2020

Gulfood has become the global event for the highest quality products worldwide, with nearly 5,000 participating exhibitors from over 120 countries. Dubai is the commercial center of the Middle East and Zanetti does not miss this important date and will be at the fair with its stand and partner on the said market.

Dal 16 al 20 febbraio 2020
Zanetti did not miss the appointment and welcomes all its current and long-standing partners to its stand, a pleasant meeting-point where they can also establish new partnerships. HALL1-4 C1-33

Anuga 2019
Anuga 2019

Zanetti also participates for the year 2019 at the Cologne Trade Fair, 10 TRADE SHOWS IN ONE theme protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

From 7 to 11 October 2019
Zanetti has not missed the appointment and he welcomes all of its current and long-time partner in a stand with strong appeal (Hall 10.1 stand G071-H070), a pleasant meeting point where we can also establish new partnerships.

Cibus Connect 2019
Cibus Connect 2019

Zanetti confirms its presence at this exhibition as Cibus has always been synonymous with the enhancement of food products.

Cibus Connect is waiting for you at the Parma fairgrounds on 10-11 April 2019 to offer you the unique opportunity to meet top national and international buyers, enhance your products with turnkey exhibition modules and customized cooking shows and participate in workshops and large plenary events aimed at exploring issues related to the internationalization of Italian food.

Gulfood 2019
Gulfood 2019

Gulfood è diventata l'evento globale per i prodotti di altissima qualità in tutto il mondo, con quasi 5.000 espositori partecipanti provenienti da oltre 120 paesi. Dubai è il centro commerciale del Medio Oriente e Zanetti non perde questa importante data e sarà in fiera con il suo stand e il suo partner sul detto mercato.

Dal 17 al 21 febbraio 2018
Zanetti non ha mancato l'appuntamento ed da il benvenuto a tutti i suoi partner attuali e di lunga data al proprio stand, un meeting-point piacevole dove poter anche allacciare nuove partnership. HALL1-4 C1-33

Sial 2018
Sial 2018

Zanetti will take part in the 2018 SIAL Food Exhibition in Paris

From 21 to 25 October 2018, the Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France welcomes the world major agri-food event: SIAL Paris with more than 6,300 exhibitors and 150,000 high profile visitors, including the TOP French and international decision-makers... all this will be the Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Retail and trade, food industries, foodservice, buyers from all around the globe will visit SIAL to find new food products and/or new suppliers.
Zanetti won’t miss the appointment and will welcome all its long-date and current partners to its highly appealing booth (HALL 7 – C 174): the perfect-place where to settle new business partnerships as well!

Cibus 2018
Cibus 2018

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition. Padiglione 2 Stand E026

For 2016, the objective is to confirm the success achieved in the last edition: 12% increase in visitors, hitting the record figure of 67,000 visitors, 2,700 exhibitors and 950 accredited journalists. The number of foreign buyers and exhibitors also increased.

Gulfood 2018
Gulfood 2018

Gulfood has become the global show for the highest quality F&B products worldwide, with almost 5,000 exhibitors participating from over 120 countries. Dubai is the trading hub of the Middle East and Zanetti won’t miss this important date and will be at the show with its booth and its partner on the market.

From February 18-22 2018
Zanetti didn’t miss the dates and welcomes all his long term partners and cooperators at his booth. It’s an opportunity to establish new business relationships as well. HALL1-4 C1-33

Anuga 2017
Anuga 2017

Zanetti also participates for the year 2017 at the Cologne Trade Fair, 10 TRADE SHOWS IN ONE theme protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

From 7 to 11 October 2017
Zanetti has not missed the appointment and he welcomes all of its current and long-time partner in a stand with strong appeal (Hall 10.1 stand G071-H070), a pleasant meeting point where we can also establish new partnerships.

Cibus 2017
Cibus 2017

Zanetti conferma la sua presenza a questa rassegna in quanto Cibus è da sempre sinonimo valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari.

Dopo il grande successo di CibusèItalia il padiglione dedicato all’agroalimentare Made in Italy a EXPO Milano 2015 e Cibus 2016, Cibus Connect vi aspetta presso il quartiere fieristico di Parma il 12-13 Aprile 2017 per offrirvi l’opportunità unica di incontrare top buyers nazionali e internazionali, valorizzare i vostri prodotti con moduli espositivi chiavi in mano e show cooking personalizzati e partecipare aworkshop e grandi appuntamenti plenari volti ad approfondire temi legati all’internazionalizzazione del food italiano.

Gulfood 2017
Gulfood 2017

Gulfood has become the global show for the highest quality F&B products worldwide, with almost 5,000 exhibitors participating from over 120 countries. Dubai is the trading hub of the Middle East and Zanetti won’t miss this important date and will be at the show with its booth and its partner on the market.

From February 26 - March 2th 2017
Zanetti didn’t miss the dates and welcomes all his long term partners and cooperators at his booth. It’s an opportunity to establish new business relationships as well.

Sial 2016
Sial 2016

Zanetti will take part in the 2016 SIAL Food Exhibition in Paris

From 16 to 20 October 2016, the Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France welcomes the world major agri-food event: SIAL Paris with more than 6,300 exhibitors and 150,000 high profile visitors, including the TOP French and international decision-makers... all this will be the Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Retail and trade, food industries, foodservice, buyers from all around the globe will visit SIAL to find new food products and/or new suppliers.
Zanetti won’t miss the appointment and will welcome all its long-date and current partners to its highly appealing booth (HALL 7 – D152): the perfect-place where to settle new business partnerships as well!

Du 16 au 20 octobre 2016 le Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France accueille le grand événement du monde aigre-alimenter: SIAL de Paris, avec plus de 6.300 exposants et 150.000 visiteurs de haut profil, inclus les plus importants decision-makers français et internationaux.. . tout ceci au Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Grande distribution, industrie alimentaire, restauration, buyer provenant de tout le monde vont visiter SIAL afin de trouver nouveaux produits alimentaires et / ou nouveaux fournisseurs.
Zanetti n'a pas manqué le rendez-vous et il a donné le bienvenu à tous ses partenaires actuels et de longue date dans un stand de fort attrait, Pavillon 7 - D152, un meeting-point agréable où pouvoir lacer nouveaux liaisons aussi.

Cibus 2016
Cibus 2016

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition.

For 2014, the objective is to confirm the success achieved in the last edition: 12% increase in visitors, hitting the record figure of 67,000 visitors, 2,700 exhibitors and 950 accredited journalists. The number of foreign buyers (up 1,000 compared to 2012, giving a total of 12,000 foreign buyers) and exhibitors also increased.

Fade 2016
Fade 2016

Zanetti will be exhibiting at the Food & Drink Expo in Birmingham, the UK largest food & drink trade event in 2016.

Zanetti will be exhibiting at the Food & Drink Expo in Birmingham, the UK largest food & drink trade event in 2016.


Gulfood 2016
Gulfood 2016

Gulfood has become the global show for the highest quality F&B products worldwide, with almost 5,000 exhibitors participating from over 120 countries. Dubai is the trading hub of the Middle East and Zanetti won’t miss this important date and will be at the show with its booth and its partner on the market.

From February 21-25th 2016
Zanetti didn’t miss the dates and welcomes all his long term partners and cooperators at his booth. It’s an opportunity to establish new business relationships as well. HALL1 S1-D24

Anuga 2015
Anuga 2015

Zanetti also participates for the year 2015 at the Cologne Trade Fair, TASTE THE FUTURE theme protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

From 10 to 14 October 2015
Zanetti has not missed the appointment and he welcomes all of its current and long-time partner in a stand with strong appeal (Hall 10.1 stand G071-H070), a pleasant meeting point where we can also establish new partnerships.

Tutto food 2015
Tutto food 2015

Zanetti protagonista di Tutto Food 2015, eccellenza tra le fiere alimentari

Per la prima volta, Zanetti ha organizzato un vero percorso espositivo e d’incontro con le realtà di settore e i consumatori: partendo dal Tutto Food, arriverà a Milano per l’evento mondiale Expo 2015 con Cibus Italia.

Expo 2015
Expo 2015

Zanetti SPA è presente a EXPO MILANO 2015: Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita.

Per la prima volta, Zanetti ha organizzato un vero percorso espositivo e d’incontro con le realtà di settore e i consumatori: partendo dal Tutto Food, arriverà a Milano per l’evento mondiale Expo 2015 con Cibus Italia.

Sial 2014
Sial 2014

Zanetti is guest of the Food Exhibition in 2014, Innovation Marketplace in Paris: the protagonist of this international event.

From 19 to 23 October 2014, the Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte-France welcomed the world's major agri-food event: SIAL Paris with more than 6,300 exhibitors and 150,000 high profile visitors, including the TOP French and international decision-makers... all this was at the Salon International de l'Alimentation!
Retail and trade, food industries, foodservice, buyers from all around the globe visited SIAL to find new food products and/or new suppliers.
Zanetti didn’t miss the appointment and welcomed all its long-date and current partners to its highly appealing booth (hall 7 – H178): the perfect-place where to settle new business partnerships as well.

Cibus 2014
Cibus 2014

Zanetti confirms the success achieved in the last edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition.

For 2014, the objective is to confirm the success achieved in the last edition: 12% increase in visitors, hitting the record figure of 67,000 visitors, 2,700 exhibitors and 950 accredited journalists. The number of foreign buyers (up 1,000 compared to 2012, giving a total of 12,000 foreign buyers) and exhibitors (2,100 in 2010; 2,300 in 2012; 2,700 in 2014) also increased.

Sial 2012
Sial 2012

Zanetti is guest of the Food Exhibition in 2012, Innovation Marketplace in Paris: the protagonist of this international event, the excellence of its products Made in Italy.

One of the most important dates at global level for the agricultural and food sector, recording impressive figures at each edition. Together with Zanetti, another 200 countries were present:91% of exhibitors took part in SIAL with the primary aim of developing their export business, 80% tightened new relations with international customers.

Cibus 2012
Cibus 2012

The International Food Exhibition was once again the key event in the Italian agricultural and food sector in 2012

A large shop window providing international visibility with conventions and round tables focusing on current topics related to Food and Retail, more than 63,000 qualified visitors, 13,000 from abroad, of which 1,300 foreign top buyers from 90 countries.